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New Member
Jul 10, 2021
Hi all
I am only new here I have just purchased a KR2 aircraft kit that I will be the third person that has had it it does appear to be complete except for the fact the plans are not there to which i do require to get if any one has a copy that I would be most appreciative. The question that I would like answered is one side of the fuselage has been made however by way of the documentation it appears that it did not pass inspection (what inspections and tests are required?). If it is the case that it is not glued properly as the paper suggests is there any way that i can separate the glue joints and reuse the sitka spruce or is it the case that once it has been glued it becomes unusable ? I am just trying to get my head around it all. Also if the sitka spruce is not able to reused am I able to make one side fuselage withe sitka spruce and the other side with a substitute timber or for balance is it wise to make both fuselages out of the same species of timber. Can someone also guide me on how to properly splice ply aswell and what is the best glue to use.
thanks to all