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Inexpensive Stick On Sump Heater

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
Well, its "preheat season" and I thought I'd share an inexpensive and effective solution. I've used the "aircraft" pre heaters with the sump pads and barrel warmers before and while effective, their price is, well, tough for me to justify. In contrast, the 4x5 inch, 150 watt unit shown below has been great for me.


Admitting my airplanes live fairly sheltered lives compared to others, it still gets plenty chilly here. Mid 20's is not uncommon, but no, its not Fargo. That said, this little unit will warm the 540 in the Rocket all the way out to the rocker covers and provide 80 degree oil temp at the instant the starter is cranked.

Light, cheap and effective. Thought you peeps would like the info.