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Industrial Designer and aviation enthusiast

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Active Member
Aug 31, 2010
Duluth MN
Greetings friends,

I am an Industrial Designer who has spent 3 years working on GA aircraft, and the past year taking on freelance clients. I have worked on business jets, Single Engine pistons, and single engine turbo-props. Aviation in general seems to be losing its approachability and coolness. Huge advances have been made to automate, make more efficient, and uneventful. I think aviation SHOULD be an event. buzzing along at 8000 ft for 4 hrs is NOT fun. My breaking point and obsessive sketching started on a particularly grueling biz trip where I couldn't leave until I downloaded a few movies to my phone.

I'm here because I have decided to try and design an aircraft with fun and the love of aviation being the driving factors. I discovered to love of flight in a 1940s Taylor Craft, and no 600k to 3 million dollar machines I've been in has been able to get to the point of aviation. I chose a motorcycle layout to maximize the "cool factor" and reach out to thrill seekers. I don't know where this is going in terms of weather I will actually set out to make it or weather life and maturity will beat me into submission buuuuuuttt. Why the hell not.

I have no engineering background and since I went to art school, I am seriously lacking in the math dept. What I lack in math, I make up for in composite manufacturing knowlege (from a production standpoint) and obsessive compulsiveness. I have deployed tools such as X-plane and Rhino 3d and creativity to bring this project to fruition.

BTW I have started to fly my local C152 whenever life lets me and, there it is, there's the fun!! I want to make a modern C152.

I may attach a few sketches and X-plane models if anyone is interested.
