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Ibis Canard

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
There is only a couple threads about this aircraft here from 2006-7 but nothing to answer my question.

The Ibis RJ-08 doesn't have rudders in the conventional operation and there is very little information about them on the internet.

Each rudder operates independently and deflects the air stream to yaw left or right.

I was wondering how effecient this rudder type is for a canard and how good would they be in a crosswing landing.

I've never come across this before in aircraft but have seen a similar operation on large commercial catamarans where the rudder is set at an angle and drops down into the water to steer the vessel.

I'd like to find out any information for their use in the Ibis canard


94y3.jpg This is the only photo I can find of the winglet under construction with the rudder not fitted

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