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Aug 10, 2015
So after much search in the forum and having seen many great ideas and opinions of homebuilding my questions are more precise now!
I want to build my own airplane! I want to fly!
I live in Crete! Beautiful Greek island but with no landing areas. It is full of mountains and rocky slopes!
So I am thinking of the potential of the sea. Unlimited take off and landing area!!!! So I want to have something that floats!
My first thoughts were towards FIB like
Lomac MODEL FIB Flying Inflatable Boat or
Ramphos Ramphos Home Page
But they are too expensive so decided to build something to reduce maybe the cost.
My initial thoughts were towards Goat airchair with floats, but the manufacturer does not include this modification.
Then I saw Weedhopper Weedhopper B-Model Plans which can have floats or a Quicksilver floatplane Quicksilver Aircraft
The thing is that i would prefer a 3 axis airplane.
Which is the best lower price option? I do not mind if it is a kit or a plan cause i like building!
Can you suggest other?