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How to extrapolate the curve that connects airfoil coordinates for aerodynamic shape carved into foam by hand without CAD?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2020
Hello I want to carve an aerodynamic shape based on horizontal and vertical airfoil coordinates and a single cross section to ensure fit then extrapolating to every airfoil coordinate along the body.

How can I extrapolate this curve?

I have seen the Arnold Company videos where he uses templates which are based on scale models. I don't have his skill so will need a method to find the curve.

Here is the surf board method, the height and width are cut first with wooden hot wire templates, then the corners are progressively cut off to reveal the curve.
Pictures of the project are here: Project Sanderson. AV-ACG

Here is the stacked slice method although the slices in the example were derived from CAD which I don't understand. If the curve can be discovered the slices might be able to be done without CAD although I imagine it would be time consuming with 60, 4cm slices for example.
Pictures from here: The Recumbent Bicycle and Human Powered Vehicle Information Center

This seems a bit magical as I don't yet understand how the find that curve for the surf board method or for the stacked slice method.