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How to design multi-elements wing?

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Anna Tian

Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2013
I’m looking for knowledge about the multi-element wing design process and method.

I currently need to design high lift 3 sections airfoil (including fixed slat, main wing and slotted flap) for Re=0.3 million. CFD is the tool I have. The factor I care most is the lift coefficient. As the Re is low and few published 3 sections airfoil design for this low Re can be found online, I guess the design work will be as listed below.

  1. I need to parameterize the geometry shape of each of the three sections then optimize these parameters to optimize the geometry shape of all the three sections. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, I haven’t found any documents on this.
  2. I need to optimize the relative position and deflection angle of each the three sections. Thanks to the work of NACA and other institutes. I found a lot of papers on this. I surprisingly found that since the number of variables is large, people use complex data mining method to optimize these positions variables.

Not only the 3 sections airfoil geometry shape parameterization and optimization method is missing, but also the documents on the overall design process. Could anyone give any suggestions on these issues? Any knowledge or documents on the multi-elements wing design?
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