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How much thrust?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2014
Lizella, Ga
So some of you know that I am restoring a Le Pelican ultralight. I want to keep it an ultralight. Originally the plane was powered with an opposing 2 cylinder 18hp Briggs. Later they went as far as VWs on them. I am wanting to use the Predator 670cc, 22hp engine with a few mods. (@30-35 hp)
I found this company ( https://hoverhawk.com/beltreductiondrive.html )that sells a PSRU and prop for that engine, and with a stock engine it produces 90+ pounds of thrust. So with the plane at 250lbs me at 220lbs, how much thrust do I need to get in the air. I am not looking for top end speed 60-65 is fine with me, but I don't want to have to use a 2000 ft runway either. The faster the climb the better (within reason)
Can anyone explain this to me please. ( In layman's terms) thanks