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Hot Glass Fly-in - New Mexico

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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
I just got an email from the managing editor of Experimental Aircraft Technology magazine (Why have I never heard of this magazine???). He asked if I would mind posting some info about an upcoming fly-in in New Mexico. Here is the email with the link and a PDF that explains everything better than I can:
I wanted to let you know about and invite you to a Fly-In this May 20 to 22nd called HOT 'GLASS.

I have attached an info PDF. Can you email it and share it with your group and help us get the word out?

Also for more info click on:

http://www.extechmag.com/Hot Glass.html


Brett Hahn
Managing Editor
Enchanted Publications, LLC
111 Rossford Ave.
White Sands, NM 88002



  • hot glass info sheet.pdf
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