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Honesty of builder's

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don january

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2015
I open this thread to let myself and other's a place to release what's in there heart about the build they are doing or wishing what they could get started. For me it's the Taylor -mono I have been working on for close to 2 year's and I get request to show picture's and more info of the progress. I see many fellow member's like pops and so on showing their progress and motivating the herd to move on. In my case the only picture's I can show is a Fus. and a pile of part's. I see a few fella's struggle with what ship to build and at time's they lock down and start to glue or weld the pieces together such as Scrapper. I was proud to give up my KR-2 in piece's to help other builder's get there dream in the air and I hope that many guy's out there who are designing there own dream bring's it to life. For all you builder's that have a glitch in there mind and heart that is holding you back from the next step Please open up and tell the world what is the problem in your eye's that's keeping you from the air. Don J stinson 2.jpg