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Home built parts value

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Jan 3, 2014
Curious about homebuilt parts value.

I built a Baby Ace fuselage, sold it, bought it back, sold it again. I built a set of wings and I still have them, they are flawless, I don't except anything less than perfect.

I have other airplane parts as well include Baby Great
Lakes wings, and a ton of J3 parts and I'm starting to get stressed out. With my Cassutt project it's genuinely starting to wear me down. I'm not sure if it's just part of the aging process but I'm getting sick of all this stuff. So I'm thinking of selling most of it.

I have a standing offer on my Cassutt fuselage but that's not for sale, that I'm keeping for sure. I screwed up and should have never sold my Baby Ace fuselage and now I'm stuck with wings. I would have been flying by now but I'm not smart enough to look forward and have patience etc.

I'm really not wanting to do this but I think I'm gonna have to sell for piece of mind, what are the Baby Ace wings worth? They are uncovered. Ballpark, what can I expect?

Landing gear for Baby Ace which are J3 cub gear, ballpark, what can I expect?

Thank you