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High Intensity LED Strobes (ACL) - Whats Available?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
Background: Im already running LED position and landing lights, but my ACL system is still based on the familliar HID power supply and flash tube "strobes". The flash tubes are discrete units mounted outside the OML of the tip and I'd like to keep it that way. I have a bad power supply and one channel is dead. Its probably a $0.25 component burned, but the writing is clearly on the wall - flash tubes and power supplies are on the way out. I thought about switching over to the "automotive" power supplies which were so prevalent just a couple years ago, but they too are now all LED.

So what Im looking for is a LED strobe that will put out "near" the 400 candela that the aviation guys offer, but I just want the strobe head itself - not the built in position lights. Frankly, I'm looking for the analog to the automotive show car/emergency response products that have been around for decades - only in LED.

Anyone know of such an animal?