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Apr 2, 2022
New member!
Have watched this forum for a long time and finally decided to join. Currently restoring a homebuilt from the 90's. It's a one-off design derived from an older kitbuilt aircraft no longer in production. It uses conventional construction materials and techniques, tube and fabric fuselage and aluminum and fabric wings. Due to it being a one of a kind, I have no manual, factory and other builders of it to provide info. I know the Aircraft flew successfully several years ago, for about 50 hours and those who are familiar with it said it had good flight characteristics and reasonable performance.

I use FAA AC 43.13, Tony Bingelis books, and other such generic sources of info. I'm not an engineer nor an aircraft tech, just an amateur homebuilder.
I'm trying to find answers to a few questions and was hoping that the Braintrust on this forum could please help with some info and perspectives:

Question 1- It has an Airfoil said to be a Clark Y modified. It uses Junkers Ailerons, that are NOT Flaperons. When considering Weight and Balance calculations, do you use the Chord length which excludes the Junkers Ailerons (60") or includes the Junkers Ailerons (68")?
The reason I ask is because they are mounted aft and below the wing/airfoil and I'm not as familiar with this configuration.

Question 2- Without actual manuals and tested specifications, what would be a common generic CG Range, Fore and Aft limits to use, expressed as % of M.A.C.?
The wing is a very typical looking "Hershey bar" style, with a Chord as indicated above, a height of 9-1/8" at thickest point and a span of 27'.

Thanks in advance to anyone here who could provide some info. Nice to be a part of this forum. :)