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Hi all - New to Homebuilding

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Hi All,

I'm new to homebuilding, but since I grew up about 20 minutes from Oshkosh I spent many years there and have developed a love of aviation.

After school and life in general got in the way, I'm finally starting my flight training to get my Private Pilots license in September.

I've been lurking here for a couple of months and the conversations are great, this is a fantastic forum.

I have a wife and two boys that I am getting excited about going flying so I am looking for a 4 seater.

I've been going back and forth week by week on whether the Velocity XL, RV-10 or a plans Cozy MKIV is the best way to go. It seems like the 4-place category is a bit more limited, but all three of these seem like great planes.

I have to admit I'm a bit nervous about messing with fiberglass. Growing up my dad tried to class a tiny sailboat, but never really finished so every time I took it out sailing we needed to cover it with blankets so we wouldn't get all the slivers. It never failed though we always got them. Other than that I really like the composite planes.

Also, before someone marks me as a spammer, I really don't mean to offend with my signature at the bottom. I asked Jake if it was ok if I put it out there, but he didn't get back to me yet so I figured I would just do it. If this is against forum rules I can change it. But the more websites I can build, the quicker I get my plane so I figure I would throw it on there. You never know. :)

Other than that, I'm really looking forward to joining in on the conversations and learning a ton from this group.