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Heyo From Canada!

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Jun 9, 2014
My name is Alex and I'm a huge aircraft fanatic. I love pretty much everything about aviation including how challenging it is. The fact that not many people get to sail the skies makes it even more desirable for me. I've always wanted to build an aircraft because I absolutely love building things. I'm 17 years old and am going into university for computer sciences. I've gotten the proficiency award in my school board for computers so I'm really excited about that. As much as I love computers I love aviation even more. The reason I didn't go into aerospace engineering is because I find that it would be easier to make a living off of computers and invest in building aircraft. So far I'm making a decent amount of money (around 15k a year) programming so that's not bad for a full time student!

My grandfather was a navigator on a lancaster back during the missile crisis. The lancaster he served on still flies to this day located in Hamilton, ON.

I'm a fan of older aircraft for sure though I think I'd prefer to build one from scratch or scraps instead of restoring an aircraft. I dislike the idea of restoring just because it seems like a lot of maintenance. If you assemble an aircraft yourself then chances are you know what's going on with it. I know that the lanc needs 5x the maintenance hours per hour of flying. It's insane. The engines die so often on it and it's still running Merlins.

Ideally I'd love to rebuild some older aircraft using modern avionics but I'm not sure if this is even possible or how much it would cost. My uncle used to work at a tool and dye shop for military avionics in the USA and was going to hook me up with some parts however they've since moved and I no longer have access to that. If anyone could explain how to rebuild a historical aircraft that would be amazing. (By explain I mean the resources you'd need, and if blueprints are even available).

If I had to choose an aircraft I'd love to attempt and rebuild it would definitely be a Lancaster or F86 sabre. The idea of a jet plane sounds rather tricky to me, though the Lanc I could only dream of recreating unless I become a multi-millionaire. So a nice small build would be great to start aha.

So that's about it for my introduction/autobiography. It's awesome to find forums filled with other passionate flight enthusiasts!