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Half Scale B-25

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 29, 2003
Independence Airport, OR
This thread was started up in the new member area and really should be here with all the other Walter Mitty designed aircraft. Building a scale B-25 Mitchell has been mentioned in other forums and has always been interesting to me. I looked at smaller scales and 50% is about the lower limit if you want scale outlines and the possibility of a passenger. The interior of a full scale B-25 is rather cramped so at 50% it would be a tandem seating arrangement. If the engine nacelles are enlarged by an inch or so either Verner or Rotec radials would fit. A lower cost option would be Jabiru 3300 that are much more available in the used market. One wants controllable pitch props on a twin and I'm still researching those items.

This is the third cockpit mock up that I have built. The 70% P-39 was a fun project and showed it to be the right scale whereas the 55% ME-262 was too small and should have been at least 65% to fit pilots with a more "mature" physique. As with the others, the B-25 is from an enlarged Giant Scale RC plan, in this case a 1/6th scale version by Ziroli. There are such plans available for most any plane you can think of. I had a digital file of the plans and using Draftsight CAD produced paper templates for bulkheads, etc. You can also have a shop like Kinko's enlarge the drawings.

The mockup is constructed from double wall corrugated, 1/4 inch plywood and Doug Fir 1 x 2's. One side will be sheeted with construction cardboard bought in rolls at Home Depot. Everything can be painted with house paint. It is coming along nicely, I'll post some more detail when the project is finished. In the meantime here's a couple photos.

Vince Homer


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