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FS: Eclipse 500 rudder pedal assemblies

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
I'm selling a few Eclipse 500 rudder/brake pedal assemblies that I picked up a while back in order to hopefully pay for some other materials. These are, to me, the aviation equivalent of a Rolex Oyster - each and every piece, without exception, is machined from billet and they're absolutely lovely to pick up and behold in person.

They're complete with brand new Cleveland cylinders.

Whether you're building a future Grand Champion or just a "Buttercup", these pedals may be the nicest part of your airplane. They have roughly $15,000 worth of machining per set. A pair should save you many hours of labor and maybe not a little weight.

I have a friend who wrecked his beautiful airplane during high-speed taxi tests because of brake problems, after seven years of building time. I feel a pair of these pedals would have prevented it.

Photos below. Please contact me if you're interested. I'll take money or materials or airplane bits or a combination thereof.

- Dave
