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Foreflight basic Q

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
I can barely use a cell phone, so probably screwed this up....

After several weeks trying, managed to download Foreflight plus (1 year paid subscription) onto a purpose acquired ipad air, the medium sized one.
Intention was to use it in the club planes i fly, and eventually in my Sonerai2 when that is complete.

Playing with the program (Foreflight) here in the house over another few weeks, i can get weather, understand the basic functions, etc.
Made a nice mount for it.

So today took it out in the car on a trip with my wife, to practice , and it won't acquire anything. No weather at any airports, no nav data on the split screen, nothing except more or less canned charts and airport info. No tracking. No gps. My wife talked me through enabling all the position stuff on the ipad. Still no joy. Actually, that was the exact term the came up on the Foreflight screen "no joy".

Is it necessary to have a separate data plan with the ipad, for Foreflight to work away from my home network?
I guess i thought that was what i was paying Foreflight for, a dataplan specific to flying, but accessible anywhere in continental US?
Is that the likely issue, or am i doing something else wrong?
Or even: "Foreflight knows when you are in a car and will refuse to cooperate"?

Thanks for any enlightenment.