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Flitzer biplane building in Montreal

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Active Member
Sep 2, 2011
Montreal, Quebec, Cananda
Hi all

I am a first time builder and would like all the help I can get my hands on. Please post anything a rookie can use to help build a wooden aircraft.

I am a good woodworker and graduated but never worked has a aircraft mechanic. I am french speaking so please excuse my weird way of talking.

I searched and read all I could on wooden aircraft, EAA, Bengalis, Blue Swallow videos etc...

I would of like more info in video form...but little is available so I figure I would do some videos and poeple could help out by correcting me. Hopefully it will also incourage others to build wooden aircraft also.

Here is what I made so far. PLEASE input to make sure I do not propagate bad things! I am almost done with the vertical tail. Comments could be made on youtube for future reference. Thanks

1 flitzer .wmv - YouTube
2 flitzer steaming.AVI - YouTube
3 flitzer bending - YouTube
3.5 flitzer gluing - YouTube
3.8 flitzer jointing cutting lam. - YouTube
4 flitzer rudder lamination.AVI - YouTube
5 rudder flitzer .AVI - YouTube
6 flitzer lam and pieces done for rudder - YouTube
7 flitzer rudder prep for glue - YouTube
8 flitzer rudder glue part1 - YouTube
9 flitzer awnsers from designer - YouTube
11 Flitzer rudder ribs - YouTube
12 Flitzer rudder ribs gluing - YouTube
13 Flitzer rudder questions - YouTube
14 Flitzer anwsers rudder - YouTube
15 flitzer rudder ribs gluing - YouTube
16 Flitzer gluing rudder ribs - YouTube
17 flitzer rudder base thickness - YouTube
18 flitzer questions rudder - YouTube
19 Flitzer rudder gluing the lamination - YouTube
20 flitzer rudder off the jig - YouTube
21.5 Flitzer sitka grading - YouTube
21 Flitzer sanding the rudder - YouTube
22.5 Flitzer sitka samples - YouTube
22 Flitzer orbital sanding of rudder - YouTube
23 Flitzer rudder splicing sanding hinge bolts - YouTube
24 Flitzer rudder balsa fin center rib hinges - YouTube

Ron from Montreal

Flitzer Sportflug VereinFlitzer G-ERIW.jpgBVAW returning from Old Warden compressed.jpgIMG_8578.JPG