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First Flight

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2003
It's not finished until it FLIES..... after alot of paperchasing and getting myself up to speed with tailwheel endorsement and 5 hrs in a like aircraft....I finally flew my plane after 4 yrs of building.....
I did some fast Taxi and flew the tail.....Then a faster taxi and lifted slightly.....on the third one I planned to lift off and "feel" the airplane, if the Trim was too bad....I'd put it back down , The trim was PERFECT , I gradually added power and started the climb over the airport to check the "approach" to stall speed.....then I brought her back down and had a Great landing.....about a 15 min flight - Noneventfull
Gotta Fly...
Mike in MN

Here's some pictures of that day.....:ban:
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