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Custom aluminum main gear for a Onex?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2018
Tellico Plains, TN

Some Onex owners have reported bending of the main gear over time, and in fact mine is starting to bend (un-bend really) after a couple hundred landings. Sonex doesn't recommend re-bending the gear though some have reported doing that. They simply recommend replacing the gear if bent, but if I'm going to the trouble of replacing it, I'd like to replace it with something that won't do the same thing. Since Sonex only offers the same 1/2" thick 2024 gear that they've used since the beginning, I'm looking for other options.

O'Keefe used to make gear, but now they're out of business. Grove used to make them, but they aren't taking any new orders, and I couldn't afford them anyway. Who else makes flat spring gear? My prop clearance is very limited, and the stock gear is too short to allow anythign close to a full stall landing, so slightly taller gear would be nice.

What are the groups thoughts on rebending the original gear. The problem is at the main 50 degree bend at the fuselage, which is now maybe 40-45 degrees. I understand cold bending is the best option if I were to try to do it myself. I know this is asking for trouble from a cracking standpoint, but I'd wonder if it can be tested to verify no cracks?

I also wondered about re-inforcing the bends with additional plates, say 1/4" steel. That would seem easy to do if I'm forced to just use another new stock gear. Of course I'd also wonder if it would cause it's own problems.
