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Crankshaft welch plug

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Thunder Bay, Ontario
As part of the work I am doing on my Lycoming O-320 H2AD I need to remove the welch plug (expansion plug) in the front of the crankshaft, inspect for corrosion, and if all is well, replace the welch plug. (SI#1583) Lycoming specifies a welch plug installation tool (PN 64681) to install the plug. That tool goes for about $1700 US. I don't plan on buying one for a one-time use. Anyone have any specs on how much that plug should be flattened? It looks to me like the tool is designed to make the plug flat. I figure I can make that tool in about an hour on the lathe but I need to know what that plug is supposed to look like when it's properly seated. Any suggestions?