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Corvair questions

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
Seattle, WA (5 nm N KBFI)
Disclaimer: everything I talk about here represents very very early research. I'm just trying to get a feel for things before I go pester businessmen about these things.

So, that said...

I'm considering building a Fisher Celebrity, an all-wood biplane which is rated for a 65-120 HP engine. I haven't gotten specific numbers from Fisher as to acceptable engine weights. I've considered a number of different engines, including a Rotec R2800, Continental O-200, Verner 133TM, Rotax 912, etc. The one I hadn't considered yet was the Corvair.

I just spent way too much time on flycorvair.com. First things first, has anyone dealt directly with Mr. Wynne? He strikes me as someone who has a strong personality, and who might be difficult to work with.

For those who have rebuilt, installed, and/or flown with a Corvair engine, any impressions to relate? Web pages with more information? Pros and cons? Did you rebuild yourself, or buy a finished engine? I'm doing my own research, but sometimes it's faster to get a direct reference than trying to find it.

It sounds like the Corvair would be a good match to the plane I'm thinking about, even if it's not as visually appealing as a Rotec. Sounds like I could probably build one inexpensively, and even the fully-prepped engines are relatively cheap at $8k. I certainly like William Wynne's "it must be reliable" attitude, and it's one I share. I'd appreciate comments.