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Corvair gut check

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Jan 3, 2014
Hey guys. I’m exploring engine options For the Baby Ace and a Corvair came up as a possibility. While I have quite a bit of auto and motorcycle engine experience I’ve never worked on a Corvair and haven’t researched the actual conversion much. So looking for some simple advice to start out with.

Knowing this was a option I reached out to a airplane friend locally and as it turns out he has a complete original 110 engine yanked out of a 64 and it’s never been touched, 40k mile car. He’s now in his late 80’s and said to just come and get it.

So it’s available for free but before I commit I’d like to know what I’m up against as far as building a engine mount, rebuilding this, 5th bearing etc. What are some of the things to know about Corvair conversions and weight that could get me up to speed with just some general knowledge before I commit and go down this road. Seems like a big engine for this but not sure. What are your thoughts.