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Continental O 200-D Lightweight engine

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Nov 14, 2010
Toledo, Ohio / USA
I was researching an alternative to the A-65 Continental when I ran across the light weight O-200D.
Does anyone have details about the Continental O-200D?
I am curious if 176 lbs dry weight I read somewhere includes the magnetos and carburetor. This seems comparable to our A-65 with no electric and starter. This is also 14lbs lighter than the 190 lbs weight I read for the O-200A.
Also, I read somewhere that the O-200D is high compression 8.5 : 1 and requires 100LL. Is this true? No mogas?
We hand prop our A-65 with no problems. Can the O-200D be hand propped too?

O-200 Engine
Continental O-200-D Lightweight Light Sport Aircraft Engine

Andy Abreu
Toledo Ohio
Pietenpol A-65