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Composite oleo-pneumatic undercarriage

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Jun 28, 2009
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Has anyone done any work on an all or partial fibreglass/carbon/kevlar oleo tube. 20 plus years ago, Beech, Piper and Mooney made all their stressed undercarriage parts from Aluminium alloy or 4130 steel. A few light fibreglass undercarriage systems have appeared, mainly of the Cessna/spring rod design. What about an oleo design? I am baulking at using a composite tube with steel liner for the hydraulic oleo because of the tight steel/glass interface and the resulting problem with a different temperature coefficient between glass and steel. The steel liner would work well with oil seals and local stresses, the carbon outer tube would provide high strength at low density for the tube bulk.
Bakelite (phenolic) has been known for a long time as an excellent bearing material. Technical information for using fibreglass/kevlar/carbon/Innegra as a hard bearing surface is less known.
Any comments?