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Christmas gift....?

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Nov 30, 2016
Manchester, CT
Hi everybody. I am new to the forum and, I must confess, completely clueless about anything homemade airplane related. My father-in-law, however, is an enthusiast and has recently finished his first build/project. With Christmas coming up, I thought it would be nice to get him an aviation related gift for him to use with his newly built airplane. I was thinking something simple but with a bit of historic interest. To that end I have been looking around for vintage flying gloves for sale online. I did consider a vintage flying helmet but I guess it would be difficult to incorporate that with a modern headset? What do you think about the flying glove idea? A fitting present, or is it a bit lame? Would anybody know I good place to source some. I've seen a few examples on the likes of eBay and Craigslist but I would like to cast my net as wide as possible, so any further pointers would be much appreciated. Some of the examples that I saw on eBay claimed to be WW2 vintage. But I know there are a lot of fakes on eBay so I am bit wary to be honest. I'd sooner go with a recommended and reputable seller/dealer if possible. Any advice would be much appreciated.
