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Building an engine from scratch????

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
Australia & New Zealand
Just discovered a delightful series of articles about building your own engine in a 1932 magazine called Mechanical Package (Fawcett Publications).

The Cross Country Twin engine was described in issues two and three, but unfortunately the magazine folded before the final part went to press. At the time you could buy a full set of blueprints for US$5.00 and it involved making the castings and machining them yourself. Includes handmade nickel steel crankshaft and con rods, and cast iron cylinders. Ah, those were the days.

Here's a link to issue two in which the project started. Click on Page 32 (which is actually Page 34 in the magazine) for the start of the project.

packmag.net - Mechanical Package magazine - 1930's DIY - Mechanical Package Issue 2 - April, 1932


Format: Horizontally opposed twin
Capacity: 141 cu.in.
Power: 40 hp @ 2200 rpm
Weight: 100 lb

Issue four also contains an article about making your own propeller.
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