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bonding leading edge 's skin to spar.

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Dec 26, 2013
I am ready to begin a mitchell wing b10.I will use Jim Marske method ,and material.I've done all the calculations and I think it will be a real interesting and fun to fly project.As I said in my introcing message I woould respect the former design and this design brings a problem to me:The C spar has front facing "wings",I mean the wings look to the leading edge ;the web is the rear part...I have realised the 1st foam leading edge's male mold.to make the skins(two layers of uni.FG) and the problem is to correctly bond the C 'wings" with the lips of the LE's skin as the bond areas will be hidden (internal). I don't know how can I have good bonding. wood can be easily stappled and composite rear facing c wings can be easily clamped...I hope the C w"wings" can be stiff enough to insure good seam to the resin.I know that my problem is not easy,but maybe ,someone could have an idea or some experience like that.

Thanks a lot