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Big Box Aluminum???

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Marion, Ohio
The other day I was poking around on the internet trying to decide on the future of my aerocraft build (if any).

I came across a couple of comments that I would like to get opinions on. The first was an Affordaplane build where the builder made aluminum sheet ribs instead of the foam or aluminum tube ribs. He used a roll of aluminum roofing material from a big box store. I don't know what alloy it is but certainly not 6061T6.

The other was a self-design, IIRC, made of aluminum angle. He didn't say where he got it, but he did say it was 6063 alloy, and that it was "up sized" to compensate. Even "up sized" I don't think I would want to try that myself. I would rather stick with 6061.

Either case would be OK, I guess, if you cranked through the numbers using the non-6061 specs, but why chance it?