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Beam and Truss Solver

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Dec 23, 2014
Piedmont Area, NC USA
Hi all,

I have been using a tool that I recently found from http://Skyciv.com. I searched HBA and found no mention of Skyciv.

The software is web browser and cloud based. I started with the 2D demo and liked it well enough so I bought in for 20$. I was able to easily solve axial loads on a truss but all the enticing analysis options were withheld for the next level. I bought in at the next level of 50$ a month for the full 3D solver to give it a try and have used it to solve a full tube truss fuselage, spar strut combination and landing gear loads in short order.

It is a tool in progress and there are limitations and nuances but some of you may find it useful.
