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Aviation Hoarding

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
Like many of you, I collect aircraft stuff and hang onto it forever because I “…might need it someday”. Old radios, hardware, oil coolers, instruments…. Well, many of you are familiar with my Pacer project that was for sale for YEARS at fire sale prices and ultimately I donated it to charity. Well wouldn’t you know that the titanium tailwheel stinger and tailwheel assembly on that airplane are EXACTLY what I now need for my new AcroSport? Hung in the rafters for YEARS, and now I need to pay the new, post COVID, inflated full retail for the EXACT same parts that I gave away a year ago! Same for the whole bundle of hat section aluminum stringers still with the Spruce tag on them. And to add insult to injury, the Cessna 170 gear legs I installed are apparently worth more than I was initially asking for the whole project.

Happy that my donation benefitted others and I can certainly afford to replace the donated parts, but the cheap homebuilder in me is just screaming: HOARD EVERYTHING!
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