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Aviation Attorney recommendations?dealing in reissuing a lapsed license.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2010
Cape May NJ USA and Varna Bulgaria
I'm looking for someone to help me navigate getting current again.It's a long story but I surrendered my CPL a while back because of some dumb childish mistakes.I was young and made a dumb mistake by working for someone who was less than honest at the time.Now in hindsight this would be filed under I should've known better but we all know hindsight is 20/20.

Now I cant get into all the details,but I was in my early twenties,making good money and was able to play with some of the newest fastest boats on the market.I never actually saw anything illegal but there were times I was suspicious and should've left then and there.The thing was I didnt have any proof so I turned a blind eye because it was a lot of fun having access to all of toys.I mean what twenty year old would try to find a reason to quit a job that allowed him to take a demo 35 Cigarette to Ocean City Md with his girlfriend for the weekend ;) Or hit the bars after work with a 35 Sonic and so on.

Anyway one day the party came to a abrupt halt courtesy of the Federal Government and while I laugh about it now,it was no laughing matter at the time. It took some serious convincing and legal wrangling to prove that I was innocent.Truthfully they(FBI) knew I was innocent but they didnt care and used me as leverage.They even tried to jam a friend up who went with me to OC MD and he was a local cop.

Now like I said its complicated but I wasnt immediately arrested and that day i got in contact with my families attorney to do some damage control and turn myself in if needed etc. and on his advice we surrendered my privileges to the FAA along with a few other preemptive things.
Now I dont know if this was the best thing to do either but I trusted him and rolled with it.I wasnt flying at the time much since my plane needed recovering etc so I really didnt miss my licenses.Plus if I wanted to fly I still had some pilot friends and family who I flew with to keep sort of current and they'd usually call me to go anyway.So in essence I really didnt miss not having my privileges,it's not like I'd ever rent a plane and I was fine with the right seat.

Well now after getting married and most of my flying friends doing the same it's time to try and sort this mess out.Now I was in a mess at the time I was never actually charged nor did I do anything truly wrong.I have a clean record with no issues like a DUI etc etc.Nonetheless I'm still afraid to face the FAA and feel I should have the help of a attorney to navigate through things.The last thing I want to do is make a mistake and create a bigger problem.

Has anyone here got their license back after surrendering it?Or has anyone gone from CPL back to a PPL?

what is involved in getting a license again?Part of me is afraid to even open the FAA site for fear of the process lol.I'm sure I'll have to pass a exam and spend some time with a instructor.But is there a minimum amount of instruction or is it until I feel confident enough for a check ride?