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Anyone Seen/heard of Peter Garrison's Melmoth2 lately?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2003
Midwest USA
This one-of-a-kind homebuilt... originally inspired/assisted-by John Thorp in the 1980s... was designed/built for extreme inter-continental... butt-buster... 'range efficiency'.


If interested, Google 'Melmoth aircraft images' for a good look a Melmoth1** [all-metal, Thorp-style bent wings + tip-tanks] ... and... Melmoth2 a highly refined everything... and much different construction [slick-n-pretty!].

**NOTE1. Melmoth1 flew all-over the world for several years... before being destroyed when the prop of another aircraft taxiing-up from behind, chewed-it-up... right-up the back of the cockpit... in a taxi mishap during a fly-in [I think].

Melmoth1~Peter Garrison.jpg

Melmoth2~Peter Garrison.jpg