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Another Ultralight-ish High Wing Idea

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
Wisconsin and Kansas
The recent threads about an improved A-Plane, The Ranger, "sit-on-top" planes, etc. got me thinking about what I would like in a similar, basic, ultralight-ish machine. Though I like the ideas discussed, I would like something with fewer, well, parts I guess. I would like something with fewer, what some here have called, "fiddly bits". I don't want any struts and related fittings or wires of any kind. The attached sketch is what I came up with.
Cl 1.png CL 2.png
The fuse is made up of larger and fewer members than comparable machines (about 20 fewer tubes than the Legal Eagle for example). It would be easier to build but would weigh a bit more than a more refined design. The tubing for this fuse comes in at about 28 pounds.

The wing is one piece so it's light and easy to build with simple fittings to attach it to the fuse. In the sketch it is aluminum with fabric covering. It could be made of composite or wood too. This one is aluminum because, like the tubing for the fuse, it's what I have in my pile of airplane stuff.

Tail surfaces are cantilever and could be made of whatever is on hand. No wires or struts. Just a few bolts to attach.

I'm thinking of an overhead stick to keep the height of the fuse down and to reduce weight/parts count.
The engine can be whatever. I've budgeted about 120 pounds FWF (maybe not a very realistic budget). 50HP would make something like this a lot of fun to fly.

Anyway, this is about as close as I could get to a simple (in my mind) 2D or "sit-on-top" airplane that doesn't have the fiddly bits. Maybe it will give somebody and idea or two. Thinking of actually building this since I have all the stuff here to pound it together.

Finally, please use your imagination to fill in all the missing structure that I'm too lazy to draw.
