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Another Solidworks question - Prints/Drawings

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Nov 14, 2009
Rocky Mountains
Tired a Google and looked on YouTube but can't seem to get the right search parameters. I've got a set of ribs for a tapered wing that I'd like to print out on a single sheet. But I haven't found an easy way to overlay the parts on the sheet in an orderly manner - other than by eye. In my 2D CAD program this is easy as I can set an origin and 'snap' the parts into position relative to each other and then move the group.

The second half of this problem is that I'd also like to only display the drawing for one face of each rib. As it is there is a slight taper and I get a second line showing up that makes the print line look blurry. The second line is only .03mm off due to taper but is enough to look unfinished.

My workaround is to extrude an un-tapered/un-merged part from the face to be printed, hide the base part, move the part to an assembly for mating and then move the assembly into the print. There has to be a quicker way?

rib patterns for digital plans.JPGRib set 1.JPG