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Another new guy...

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Jan 5, 2013
Vero Beach, FL
My name is Dave. I’ve been reading the boards here for a couple of weeks and enjoying it greatly, so I thought I’d introduce myself.

I studied Aeronautical Engineering because I’ve been an airplane geek all my life and I wanted to learn how to design them. Then I did a brief stint as a helicopter pilot in the US Navy, got out, and now I’m in aircraft sales. I currently work for a well-known manufacturer of certified airplanes.

I have a commercial ticket with instrument privileges in single and multi engine airplanes and helicopters. I am also an airplane CFI.

I think it’s as good of a time as I’m going to get to start on my first airplane building project. I work at an airplane factory, and I find it inspiring. We’ve also got a flying club here that’s a great deal, so I have nice planes I can fly in the meantime. I’m not aware of a kit that fits my needs, and I’ve kind of always wanted to design my own plane anyway, so I’m planning to get started this year on an original design. I’ll post more details on that in the appropriate forum.

I have a copy of Daniel Raymer’s book (the big one- it was one of my textbooks in college), and I’m pretty comfortable with the aerodynamic side of designing planes. I’m going to need some help with structures, though. Thanks, in advance, to those who may provide feedback on my designs. I’m new at this, but hopefully I’ll be able to help out a little bit once in a while, too.

Fly safe!