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Alternatives to fabric cement

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2013
Aurora, Denver,CO
Hello forum,

I need to patch up a small 2 inch by 2 inch area of fabric, which I had cut open recently to do some repairs to the structure inside. (The cut-open area is on the horizontal stabilizer.)

My Minimax was covered fully using Ekobond and latex paint about 18 months ago. I really liked Ekobond.

Is there an alternative to Ekobond or 3M Fastbond, both of which are available only in a minimum of 1 quart packing.

I had purchased 1 quart of Ekobond for a previous repair job about 8 months ago, and most of the remaining cement ( almost a full quart ) was stored safely, but when I opened the cement for the present job, I found it fully lumped up and unfit for any use. So basically if I buy one more quart now, I end up using a tiny quantity now and the remaining will again go waste. I need a small packing, say about 4 oz.

Is the following item a good choice for a small fabric repair to dacron ?
Thanks for any suggestions.