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Alt engine gathering Memorial Day weekend, Jackson MS

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2014
Pocahontas MS
Hoping the admins will forgive a double/cross posting. This message is already on the rotary page; I didn't realize that there's general discussion page.

My wife & I are hosting a get-together for alt. engine enthusiasts over Memorial Day weekend. Weather permitting, we should have at least four rotary powered a/c flying in, and would love to have other alt engine powered a/c in attendance. My Renesis installation (in process) is also in the hangar. Several pilots have said they will be presenting new info on their experiences flying alt engines. People will be arriving during the day on Friday, May 26, with departures on Sunday or Monday. Attendees are welcome to camp on the field, or if preferred, there are hotels ~20 miles away.

We'll be hosting the event at our home & hangar, at Slobovia Outernational Airport (MS71), a 4800' turf strip, ~10 miles north of Jackson MS.

If you're interested in attending, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can get a rough head count for preparations. You can PM me, or email me directly at the email address below.

Thanks, and I hope to see y'all on the 26th.

[email protected]