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Airstrip advice

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Nov 26, 2015
kennewick wa usa
Good day, advise requested!

I have a couple short airstrips at my place. Their only for ultralight flying (my ATF) or STOL experimental. The property at one end of one airstrip is on the market. Its more or less a cliff/ steep hillside with outstanding views. The developer leveled a building site dead center at the end of my airstrip. The land is 17 acres, but the obviously easiest building site is this leveled aria. Requesting any advice as how I can steer the future buyer not to infringe on the safe use of my established runway. The easy solution would be to purchase the land myself however I can't afford the 250k asking price. The perfect fit would be a buyer who also has aviation interest but that is probably a long shot at best.
Thanks, guys/gals, for any input.