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Airfoil with gaps on a F1 aileron

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Barcelona, Spain.
Hi there!

I am curious by seeing this sort of aileron on a modern F1. It makes me wonder of the possible aerodynamic advantage you can get on an airfoil with gaps?

Perhaps something like this, it is impossible to apply to a real full size aircraft; because of Reynold number etc. In any case, I am not sure about the possible benefits on a F1 with such a lifting surface?

The guys who engineered this are pros, so I guess they get the most downward lift with the least possible drag.

The thing is that, I do not know how they achieve to make any aerodynamic gain with such arrangement? In aerodynamics for dummies books they always say that the penalty drag you get by flying a biplane/triplane does not compensate the surface area gain, and STOL airplanes with slots tend to be more draggy than those without gaps in the airfoil.

I would appreciate someone with more insight sharing some of the magic behind such bizarre airfoil?


Fly well and stay safe on the ground these days,


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