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Airfoil Circumference and Area

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Marion, Ohio
I have created an Excel spread sheet for calculating the circumference and sectional area of an airfoil.

It is useful for getting a reasonable estimate of the surface area and volume of the wing. From these you can make a reasonable first estimate of the weight of the wing.

The airfoil data is entered in the first two columns (max 140 data points) in the DAT file format. Then enter the desired chord length (in feet, inches, meters, parsecs, etc) and the chord length of the D-tube section (as a fraction of the total chord). The circumference is given in the same units, and the area in the units squared.

I am quite tired :tired:as I type this, and my brain is too fuzzy to give more detailed instructions. If you have any questions, please ask and I will try to answer when I am more awake.

View attachment Airfoil Calculations.xls