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Aircraft and helicopters projects of Viktor Vashchenko.

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Alex Aero UA

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2020
Ukraine, Kiev

More about Viktor Vashchenko
Have 40 years of experience in developing, making, flight testing, certification and operation of aircraft (helicopters, airplanes, unmanned aircraft and other types of aircraft) competitive on the world markets.

1. Started developing and making a single-seater planner at the age of 14 (1979 year). 4 years later, at the age of 18, finished building the planner and got it off the ground executing a trial flight.

2. In 1985 finished Buruguslan Flight College of Civil Aviation in Buruguslan, Russia. There aviated ЯК-18Т and АН-2. Organized a student development design office at college where two planners were developed, built and tested.