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Air scoop on a Starduster

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Dec 13, 2022
This could apply to almost any home built, so here goes. Am modifying my Starduster to “clean-up” a botched carb air intake installation, for more or less aesthetic… and drag reasons.

Am looking to modify this intake to a more streamlined/aerodynamically “clean” configuration and have found an air scoop which will significantly improve the aircraft’s looks and reduce the total drag.

The “box” installed measures 4x4” oriented vertically. The “scoop” I am looking at would allow me to reorient the intake and filter element to a near horizontal position inside the nose cowling, thereby reducing the profile.

The scoop intake measures 2x12”, so total intake area would increase from 16 to 24 square inches. My question revolves around whether or not I need to fabricate a plenum above the scoop to “catch” and redirect the airflow through the intake/filter, or leave it open to the engine compartment. Would the “no plenum” option starve my GO480 of ram air and would the horizontal orientation create problems by making the intake air make a 90 degree turn?

Any comments, suggestions or apparent solutions I’ve overlooked ? Please don’t hesitate to chip in your 2 cents worth… try to be constructive.


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