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Aeronca C3 modern-replica or or something like that.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
I have been thinking for too long about building an airplane that reminds me of the airplanes of the golden age.

The only unalterable requirements are: two seats and that it fits into the European LSA standard of 600 kg at takeoff, the lighter the better.

That's why I have always thought of the Aeronca C3 as a candidate.

These days searching in the depths of my backup HDs I came across this image, apparently it came from the Yahoo group about the Stewart's Headwind, a possible two-seater Headwind? It is not a bad idea.

Does anyone know anything else?

What do you think of the idea of a modernized Aeronca C3? Maybe with an HKS engine and a little more space in the cabin?
The original plans of C3 are feasible for construction.

Do you think of any other suitable "golden age" candidate for a replica? Maybe a Monocoupe?


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