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Aero 2013 Friedrichtshafen, a report

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
Rotterdam, Netherlands

General impression
Lots of the same. I was stunned by the amount of 2-seat MLA's/LSA's. But far more stunned by how similar they are. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 40 or so designs that were similar enough (low wing, rotax, composites, side-by-side, low stab, slightly swept tail, tricycle etc) to be indistinguishable.
Also I was surprised by how bad the finish of many planes was. From MLA to Cirrus. Both the interior and the paint job. Come on, if I pay over 100K for a brand new plane, at least get your showplane to look better that having stopped at 800 grit. Interiors often were pretty bad too. Pipistrel was the only one I can recall that stood out. Simple, but neat “German” finish.


The Belgians
Ulpower was very popular. Turbo's aren't going to happen, on good grounds IMHO. Apparently they were busy trying to get an CS prop working in NZ (aerosport? Not sure, should take notes next time), but ran into fatigue problems with the prop.

The other Belgians
D-motor presented both their 4-cyl and new 6-cyl engine. Interesting engines, the 6-cyl should run in about a month (no common parts). Ridiculously compact and engine seems to work as promised so far. The Lambda-sonde in the exhaust is - according to them - not the least of a problem burning Avgas 100LL.

Price Induction Dgen380
A 2-spool turbofan of 2500N thrust. Cool engine and specs. If under 100K, this could be a promising engine for toy jets (BD5jet, a similar 2-seater), but it could equally be vaporware.

Aixro XF40 Wankel.
One of the few affordable and proven small engines. 35 hp, 20 kg, about 3.5K euro's. Most of their business is drones, so low risk that they'll fall apart. Their range extender (serial hybrid) is an excellent candidate for a hybrid plane. 27 kg and 20 HP of electric power output. Ideal for efficient modern aircraft.

I'm not that enthusiastic about electric planes, save a few exceptions. It seems everyone has them, but few actually fly them. More PR then engineering perhaps...
PC-aero was widely present, 3 or 4 planes. Their performance claims (L/D max >32) seems highly optimistic, given the surface quality of the PV's. Talked shortly to a few of the hang-gliding folks, there electric seems to make a lot of sense and they had some impressive and lightweight powered delta's.
While having lunch in front of the big solar-powered 2-seater, I completely forgot to walk by and learn a bit more. *argh* Looked interesting...
The Song ultralight (electraflyer) was one of the exceptions, a FAR103 and LTF-L ultralight (without battery weight) and a cute and interesting plane. Low drag, low speeds, seems like the perfect ultralight for a local short flight.

Schleicher does a good move with their ASG32. I doubt DG will be able to stay in business much longer. Their DG100x-x-x are outran, the 80x is old, the LS10 and ls8 no longer competitive and outdated. With an attitude that would make a dictator look ashamed, well...
The ASH31 doesn't seem to do as well at competitions, but still sells well, the ASH30, not a clue.
I still haven't figured out how they fold their prop masts back on the self-launchers. Engine fixed, but it looks like the toothed belt folds or something like that. Intriguing..

The SH Quintus is a winner, but I'm surprised by the wing partition (at about 18 meters). I'd expected an 18M option and a bit more inboard would be far more practical too (hangar length). Absolutely massive tip wheels too.

I've been talking to a few of the Akafliegers. Many of my questions were hard or impossible to answer, but that's hardly surprising, given that no representatives of that particular project (other city) were present.

I don't see how HPH hopes to stay in business. Loads of models, but none of them (seem) competitive with the Germans (and Jonkers).

I managed to completely miss Stemme, Jonkers and Windward (not present afaik). A pity for sure.
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