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A § 61.31 (i) (1) (Tailwheel endorsement) question

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
the rear cockpit
I am a 13 hour student pilot with a solo endorsement for an aircraft equipped with a tail skid (no wheel). My CFI-S and I were discussing the regulation and he pointed out what seemed to me to be some interesting discrepancies in the regulation.

So, if I am considered to be proficient in normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings; wheel landings; and go-around procedures for the aircraft I am flying. (Which I had to be to get the § 61.87(n) (2) solo endorsement.) And the aircraft has conventional gear, but no tail wheel... (it has a skid). And the regulation says "tailwheel," not conventional gear...

(1) Am I endorsed already (via the § 61.87(n) (2) solo endorsement).
(2) Not endorsed-- BUT since the airplane I am flying doesn't have a tail WHEEL, I don't need it.
(3) I need of a separate § 61.31(i) (1) endorsement.