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503 Rotax, props exc...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
Golconda, Il, usa
503 rotax DCDI, Dual Carb, Oil Injection, Gearbox Rope start, 92 hours showing $1,200.00 OBO

58" Competition Prop, Ground Adjustable, Best Offer

BRAND NEW! Tennessee Wood Prop, 66 x 34, left rotation, gearbox tractor or belt drive pusher BEST OFFER!

Tennessee Wood Prop, 66x34 RHR, Small blemish on leading edge, BEST OFFER!

503 Rotax DCDI, Dual Carb, Gearbox, Oil Injection, Rope Start, 161 hours showing $1,200.00 OBO

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These are engines and props that we swapped out with our 4 cycle engines!
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