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3M 30NF on steel and wood -- solvent resistance???

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Oct 29, 2014
Albany, Ga

Recovering an EAA Biplane with a buddy.
Have extensive experience with PolyFiber, Ceconite, Loehle, and Razorback covering systems.

Thinking about doing some experimenting with 3M 30NF and Latex covering on this project. Yes, to save a few $$, but mainly just to gain a new experience.

Since the 3M 30NF is, per the MSDS, the same basic composition of the EKOBOND that Stewart uses, there should be some knowledge cross-over here.....

The steel tubing on this biplane is in AMAZING condition. There are 3 or 4 places that the initial coatings have been lifted over the years that need addressing, but for the most part, a good clean up and it is ready for new fabric. Same for SOME of the wood on the wings.....

My usual steel treatment is to use a good primer, then topcoat with a 2K urethane to resist the PolyTak or Super Seam of other coating systems. I use a 2 part varnish on wood for the same reasons. For several reasons, I'd like to NOT have to re-spray that primer/topcoat on the majority of the fuselage---and would like to use a locally available 1 part spar varnish/polyurethane on the wood.

The ultimate question----does the EKOBOND or 30NF lift primer/enamel/spar varnish, etc....... that are not "solvent resistant"??

Anyone have 1st hand experience?

Albany, GA