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Yet another "Trying to decide" thread...

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Jun 1, 2023
Hello All,
New to the group. I have recently gotten back into aviation. It's been 27 years!. We are in the 'NE Kingdom' in VT. Got hooked up w/ a local CFI, and have already gone thru a refresher for ground, and two attempts to go flying (weather, and a bad mag!). Hopefully this coming thurs/fri will reunite me w/ the sky.

I've been wanting to build for decades and finally ready to take the plunge. I/we are pretty proficient w/ wood, engines, electronics, etc. Have even done the occasional rivots on our boat (mast/boom). We have a pretty decent shop in the basement and have no problem setting up a 20'x4' bench.

We (wife is on board!) would like to scratch build the airframe. Looking for opinions/guidance on selecting a kit/plan.

Our goal is to fly locally, with some 2hr cross country jaunts. Twice a year a long jump to Beufort, NC. Our local airport is only 20ish mins away, and most likely will store the plane there for the summer. Unless we get a really good deal on a hangar. Would like removable wings for moving to our home for winter storage.

We've been looking at Zenith Cruzer & 650, Thatcher cx-7, Sonex, KRxxx, etc. Side by side high wing preferred, but, also considering low. We like metal, but are not adverse to fabric or fiberglass. Edit: forgot to mention should be LSA compliant.

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